I call my blog “My Happy Place.” Watching something I started as a hobby grow into a brand that I’m proud of has truly been the most exciting bit for me this year. It’s always humbling when I meet new friends who tell me they love my content and keep up with my posts.
Besides the countless photoshoots, I’ve had so many opportunities this year that I can attribute to this blog. I have had the great opportunity of coordinating two blogging start-up classes to journalism students at Texas Southern University. I earned myself a position in the KHOU channel 11 newsroom as a research assistant, was sponsored by IFB pro to attend a conference where Tyra Banks among many other influencers were speaking, worked with brands like Nordstrom Rack and GCMe and covered multiple events as a recognized blogger.
Last year around this time, I had been blogging for almost 2 years and had gained about 400 Instagram followers and 500 twitter followers. In just this past year, I’ve gained almost 2500 new followers on each of those platforms and I’m not even counting Facebook or Snapchat. I am definitely grateful for that, and I have you all to thank for the achievement.
Check out my highlights of 2016.

Thank you for hanging out with me on the internet.
Ps. FabsCulture turns “Three” on January 1st 2017 .
I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Mad Love,
Your Fabulous Friend, Buba.
Cailin says
LOVE the black dress you wore to the wedding. Looks like you had a great year! More Blessings for the one to come!
bubafabulous says
Thank you Cailin
Mariam says
Great job Buba! It’s really cool to see how your blog has grown
bubafabulous says
Thanks Babes.