I’m really not that girl that makes a big deal of her birthday – maybe because I’ve always been around my mum who does the most…throwing parties and all, so I’ve never had to overthink it.
This year though, I am. This is the first time in my adult life that I am giving a full blown shit about my birthday. Why you ask, because this is the last birthday where I get to be a kid.
You might not know this — I have been in school for the past three million years, which means I’ve gotten away with things like not paying some of my bills (thanks dad), or considering myself more of a student than an adult when prioritizing things, like buying the new eye-shadow palette over replacing my car brakes (true story).
Not only that, when you’re a Pharm D student, you don’t get to act like other college kids. You’re studying…most of the time. Professors never make it easier either…setting exams right after spring-break or thanksgiving. So while my friends were livin’ it up in Cancun, I was memorizing the pathophysiology of diabetes.
At this time next year, I will officially be a grown up, in her late twenties at that. I will have more than enough of an education and ovaries that are screaming, what the fuck!
Working in a hospital and seeing people fighting for their lives everyday, has made me appreciate mine so much more and want to live it to the fullest while I still can.
So in celebration of my college life achievements, I am livin’ it up on my birthday. Matter of fact, I am doing birthday week! I’m going to party, I’m going to eat, I’m even buying myself a cake, and then I’m going to jump into a lake…lol.
Growing up in Kampala was my introduction to life. It’s where I had my morals and beliefs engrained. Moving to Houston was about finding myself and setting a foundation for my next phase.
I step into this chapter confidently and with pride in who I am, ready to live with purpose. As much as I hate surprises, I find the twists and turns of life so exciting, mostly because I set goals and even though they come to life, the process is never as I planned.
So besides the usual suspects, my family and friends, I’m glad that I have you. Let’s see where this takes us…
Happy Fouth of July…Mahbuba.
Demilade Aina says
Aww happy birthday in arrears! I hope your birthday celebration was everything you hoped for, wishing you all the best as you move into this new phase in your life. And sis, your makeup looks amazing in the pictures! xx
Coco Bella Blog
bubafabulous says
Thank you Aina!
Danielle Jackson says
Love the dress! 🙂
bubafabulous says
Thank you Danielle