Every now and then we find ourselves having so many questions about life love and relationships. I am a sucker for relationship advice and I find myself taking screenshots of people’s opinions on love and relationships to muse myself on a dull day.
This chapter of Beautiful Emotions is a series of articles inspired by the opinions of friends and followers on social media where tweets and status updates are elaborated by me to pass on a beautiful message. Allow me to introduce Beautiful Emotions…. In Your Heart!
-@BubaFabulous: People treat you the way you allow them to treat you!
A good lesson I have learned in life is not just being aware of what you want, but also letting your potential partner know your expectations. Also, the way you treat yourself always plays a big role on how people will treat you. You cannot expect to get any respect if you do not have any respect for yourself.
-@S_TheRedHead: You deserve someone who knows how to make things up to you after hurting you. Not someone who is very good with just the word “Sorry”.
We all get caught up in the kind of love we want. We get into relationships and amidst all the romance we are thinking “This is it! It’s Perfect!” However, a few mistakes down the road you start to think how you ever let yourself be a part of it in the first place. And once again you leave the relationship with an even longer list than ever of what you want in a partner.
-@MissGambinoGirl: True love leaves scars. You don’t have any.
We are hurt the most where we loved the most and it’s hard not to have doubts in a new relationship. The past is the past and It’s always good to forget what hurt you in that life. But do not forget what the past taught you.
-@JHQueenBee: Find Someone who truly loves you, sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get and how hard you can be to handle, but still wants you.
A partner who makes you feel confident and comfortable in your skin no matter how weird you think you are is what we are all truly looking for. The freedom in knowing you don’t have to cover up or powder up to feel normal around a partner. Not having to watch your language, or your poise, or your laugh. They get it…they get you!
-@InyalaVazant: Love is what we are. It is the energy by which we were born.
I find it hard to believe that some people do not believe in love. I know somewhere in there they do. We are built to love. Every bone in our bodies was created out of love. I believe in soulmates I believe in everlasting love. But I also know that people do not try hard enough to find happiness in love. And who would be if we tried to live without it…Nothing.
Till Next Time…Yours Truly @FabCulture
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All quotes from www.twitter.com