Marriage and kids are cool, but have you ever left your house on a late Sunday afternoon for drinks with friends without checking in with anyone and not knowing when you’ll be back home?
While I savored the breezy Sunday vibes at an uptown Houston bar, I thought about how I almost never see married people do such things (by themselves…without the kidos). I hate to think I’d have the type of marriage that’s confined to pre-planned date nights and endless home activities.
We tend to take the concept of being married and “settling down” physically serious. I think of “settling down” more on an emotional level, but I’d never want to be the type of couple that dissociates itself from socializing pleasures or one that only hangs with fellow married friends.
It’s always baffling when women who seemed to enjoy social gatherings vanish shortly after they get hitched, meanwhile their husbands’ lifestyles never change. I wonder if they do it by choice or if they feel that it’s the right thing to do.
There is so much more to life than to confine yourself into the “I’m married now” box and not being able to keep the spontaneity of your youth. That’s not me, I hope it never is.