I once had to sit through a 30-minute conversation of my workmates calling Muslims, murderers. I chose to say nothing…and took a long romantic walk to HR.
When you choose the path of the Zen life, you quickly learn how to pick your battles.
You can avoid stressful situations all you like, but sometimes stress will come looking for you. The worst kind of stress, is the one that keeps chipping at your well-being in small doses, secretly building up and before you know it, you’re having unexplained anxiety, or lack of motivation that leads to general unhappiness. A few weeks in, and you’re well on your way to depression.
I do get moments of anxiety…not the type that needs clinical attention, but the one that needs me to stop myself. A lot of it comes from being overwhelmed—letting small unnecessary things get to me, micromanaging, and the constant need for life to be perfect especially emotionally.
Whenever I feel like every room I’m in is too small, that’s my red flag. So, I made a list of things I do to calm my nerves.
1. Do a workout you’ve never tried before. I’m no yoga pro, but every now and then, I pull up this YouTube video and attempt to stretch.
Speaking of work outs, I’m wearing Fabletics activewear.
Right now, Fabletics has an amazing deal. As a VIP exclusive member, you can get 2-pairs of leggings at only $24. Follow this link for this amazing deal. #FableticsPartner (More pictures of this look below).
2. Belly breaths. Stress breathing is normally from the chest. Belly breathing comes from deep within. Its more relaxing and calming.
3. People Watch. At times stopping yourself should literally mean pausing your life while everyone else’s plays out. Find one of those cafes with outdoor sitting and just take in the air while everyone rushes off to wherever they are going to. It’s weirdly calming, probably because you realize that it’s not just you with a lot on your plate.
4. Change your route home. Routine is one of the worst things you can engage yourself in. it’s important to switch it up. It releases your mind from that constant unexciting loop of monotony. A quick stop by the mall, or an ice-cream shop or a random rendezvous to the movies on a Wednesday night can be a real game changer. It’s something about going against the grain that empowers your inner being…sort of like a recharge of your soul.
5. Take a social media break. If we’re keeping it real, social media is nothing but pressure, simply because most of us are highlighting the best moments of our lives. There’s nothing wrong with that however, sometimes the last thing you need is to hear people gloating about their lives, so take a break.
6. Take a walk. Leave the earphones at home and take a short walk. Take one in places filled with nature and just listen to the birds and trees.
7. Keep the life around you organized. A clear space is a step closer to a clear mind. You can’t want peace while living in a messy space. Disorganization distracts the flow of energy. To have a clear mind, you need clean air, and clear surroundings.
8. I write. People wonder how I let loose since I don’t drink, or smoke—I write. Writing for me is like taking the worries I have out of my head and putting them somewhere else…on paper. Some make it to the blog, many (the award-winning ones) don’t.
Share your tips on how you shake off the nerves when life gets overwhelming in my comments. I hope quarantine is being kind and fair to you.
One more thing…
We live in a world where people are sensitive for formality, but not “sincerely”. Besides the fact that the conversation between the two people mentioned earlier was unprofessional, more than anything, it was hateful.
I thought about saying something, but to be honest, I was too exhausted to get into a religious argument, better yet, try to educate a should-be knowledgeable group of adults.
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